מרכז המידע תל-אביב DAAD
אוניברסיטת תל-אביב מעונות איינשטיין, חיים לבנון
63, בניין E, כניסה 3
6997804 תל-אביב טלפון: 966 6405 3 972+ אימייל:infodaad-israel.org לעמוד הפייסבוק DAAD ישראל
שעות פתיחה
ייעוץ פרטני:
בתיאום מראש בלבד.
ייעוץ טלפוני:
ימי שלישי 12:00 – 13:30
דרכי הגעה
ירידה בתחנת “תל-אביב האוניברסיטה” והליכה רגלית של כ-15 דקות.
ניתן לחנות בחניון “מדעי החברה” או בכל חניון אחר באוניברסיטת תל-אביב.
ירידה בתחנת “אוניברסיטה/חיים לבנון”
קווי אגד: 274, 572, 575
קווי דן: 25, 13
קווים: 633
Which wall will your research break? Pitch your innovative idea in just three minutes, showcasing a breakthrough that creates a positive impact on science and society.
אוניברסיטאות בגרמניה וברחבי העולם מקיימות רשת קשרים בינלאומית עם מוסדות שותפים. ה- DAAD מזמין את האוניברסיטאות הגרמניות עם תוכניות המימון שלו להרחיב עוד יותר את הרשתות הללו.
ה-DAAD רואה סוף תקופת המימון כתחילתה של מערכת יחסים ארוכת טווח עם הבוגרים והבוגרות שלו. הגדרנו לעצמנו את המטרה של קידום הקשר בין הבוגרים לבין ה - DAAD, בין אם באמצעות תמיכה בהקמת מועדוני בוגרים, או באמצעות תוכניות מימון שונות.
Kick-start your future career in Financial Management!
If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!
MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme
Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.
LL.M. in International Banking, Securities & Finance
Earn an LL.M. International Finance degree at the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF), Goethe University Frankfurt
Scholarships available! One-year program conducted in English.
Funding for international artistic coproductions 🎼🎭💃
Via Goethe Institute's International Coproduction Fund (IKF):
The International Coproduction Fund (IKF) supports coproductions worldwide that grow out of collaborative and dialogue-based working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art.
Apply by 15.5.25
International Max Planck Research School: "From Molecules to Organisms"
Apply for PhD positions in structural, molecular, cellular and developmental biology, bioinformatics, genomics and evolutionary biology!
At the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) “From Molecules to Organisms”, you will join the next generation of scientists to study complex biological processes. Our program transcends traditional life science disciplines, combining
pioneering methodologies and scientific approaches from various fields to address research questions that require an interdisciplinary approach. By joining us, you will benefit from the expertise and project supervision from our faculty members and access to state-of-the-art infrastructure across a diverse range of fields, including:
• Biophysics
• Biochemistry & structural biology
• Bioinformatics & computational biology
• Molecular & cellular biology
• Developmental biology & genetics
• Genomics & proteomics
• Microbiology and microbiome science
• Evolutionary biology & ecology
You will receive:
• Fully-funded PhD positions.
• Cutting-edge research projects and excellent facilities.
• Tailored support from a thesis advisory committee.
• Core and optional development opportunities to improve your scientific and transferable skills.
• Guidance from world-renowned experts in your field.
• Multicultural environment with English as the working language.
Our program is based in Tübingen, a hotspot for science and research in a quaint town in Germany and home to one of Germany’s most prestigious universities.
Compact and friendly, with its beautiful cobbled alleyways in the town centre, colourful timbered houses and bike lanes following rippling canals, modern Tübingen has a lively, international feel, with cultural and entertainment opportunities to rival larger cities.
For more details and information on how to apply, go to:
Online application opens: 02 December 2024
Application deadline: 27 January 2025
The requirements you need:
• An excellent University degree (obtained or pending) at Masters' level in the life sciences or a related discipline.
• Skills and knowledge matching your proposed area of doctoral research.
• High motivation and a passion for research.
• Excellent spoken and written English.
• Applicants with degrees obtained outside the European Higher Education area are welcome to provide proof of their English language proficiency (e.g. by submitting a GRE or GATE score).
Are you a DAAD alumni? We are delighted to invite you to join our newly established DAAD Israel Alumni Network!
Designated to foster ongoing connections and collaboration among DAAD alumni in Israel and with DAAD, our network offers exclusive benefits, including special funding opportunities available only to DAAD alumni, as well as dedicated networking events.
To ensure we have the most up-to-date information about our alumni, we kindly ask for your support by taking a moment to complete this brief survey. Your participation and feedback are essential for us to optimize our services and offerings to better suit your needs and preferences.
For any questions, get in touch with us: alumni@daad-israel.org
Congratulations to Merav and Noa for winning the IPS scholarship for an internship in the German Bundestag!
More details and a contact for applicants in the post ⬇️
Students! Want to spend some time in Germany this summer? 🇩🇪🍻
Meant for BA (2nd year onwards) / MA students with B1 German / PhD students with A1
Join our zoom session next Wednesday at 18:00 and learn about our scholarship for summer courses in Germany!
Register here:
Questions? Write us at info@daad-israe.org
Last call! If you're students living in the Tel Aviv area, join us this evening at 18 for an information session on our scholarships for summer courses in Germany!
All the information can be found here: daad.de/go/en/stipa50035295
Last day for submission: 2.12.24